Offer your employees the best tutoring solution

Over the past few years, companies have seen a growing demand to take care of parental needs beyond infancy. The main need is for primary and secondary schooling. The Covid-19 epidemic has heightened companies' awareness of the need to offer their employees universal access to educational support.

What we offer to your employees 

Each of your employees will have access to 3 courses free of charge and a lifetime discount on all our programs from Pre-K to 12th grade.

  • With Pocketutor, you can offer your employees a complete tutoring solution.
  • A $600 discount on our annual programs 
  • First and foremost, Pocketutor offers over 10,000 lessons and exercises, covering all official school curricula.
  • It's also a personalized method to help each child progress individually.
  • Parents can see their children's progress by tracking their progress

10 years' experience in tutoring and more than 10,000 students tutored

Strengthen your company's reputation as a family-friendly employer

Nearly 68% of parents are worried about their children's future, and their main source of concern is their schooling. At Pocketutor we help parents guide their children towards a successful schooling, and thus enable parents to be more fulfilled.

More rest time for your employees 

On average, parents spend 1 hour a night helping their children with their homework. With Pocketutor, children gain in autonomy and efficiency, allowing them to devote more time to other activities. On average, we reduce the time spent on homework by 33% per week, while improving pupils' grades from the very first month of using the Pocketutor solution.